Becoming a Man

Created by Alexander's 14 years ago
The family moved back across the bay to Oakland in 1939 where Bruce would continue his studies and become a man. His brother recalls Bruce being a half miler on the OHS track team, but not of Olympics calibre. Those running skills apparently did not help him out when the Markleeville Four (Bruce and three of his buddies) were incarcerated in the Alpine County jail for breaking and entering and catching too many trout for entertaining. He graduated from Oakland HS, joined the Army and visited Asia during the Korean War. On his return, he enrolled in UC Berkley studying Accounting. He graduated in XXXX. In 1966 Bruce left the U.S. to work with Kaiser Engineers on a new dam built in Venezuela. He was promoted to project accountant, and it would be here, in this tropical destination, that he would meet the love of his life.
